News 9

The massive development of the territory of the present Kotovsky settlement began in the 60s of the last century.
The massive development of the territory of the present Kotovsky settlement began in the 60s of the last century. Initially, these were panel five-story buildings in the area of today's Heroes of Stalingrad street, which is now renamed and is called Heroes Street of the Defense of Odessa. The Marseilskaya street was built in the direction of Joliot Curie, as well as Zabolotny, Bocharov and Makhachkalinskaya streets to Paustovsky.
The massive development of the territory of the present Kotovsky settlement began in the 60s of the last century. Initially, these were panel five-story buildings in the area of today's Heroes of Stalingrad street, which is now renamed and is called Heroes Street of the Defense of Odessa. The Marseilskaya street was built in the direction of Joliot Curie, as well as Zabolotny, Bocharov and Makhachkalinskaya streets to Paustovsky.
The massive development of the territory of the present Kotovsky settlement began in the 60s of the last century. Initially, these were panel five-story buildings in the area of today's Heroes of Stalingrad street, which is now renamed and is called Heroes Street of the Defense of Odessa. The Marseilskaya street was built in the direction of Joliot Curie, as well as Zabolotny, Bocharov and Makhachkalinskaya streets to Paustovsky.
The massive development of the territory of the present Kotovsky settlement began in the 60s of the last century. Initially, these were panel five-story buildings in the area of today's Heroes of Stalingrad street, which is now renamed and is called Heroes Street of the Defense of Odessa. The Marseilskaya street was built in the direction of Joliot Curie, as well as Zabolotny, Bocharov and Makhachkalinskaya streets to Paustovsky.